Autism Sensory Issues – [Why YOU Have Them]


Autism Sensory Issues – [Why YOU Have Them]

This is exactly why you have and experience autism sensory issues. 🎉 To celebrate Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) Month, Soundsory is giving a discount of 20% off on their website. Click on the link and use code THEASPIE10 to get an EXTRA 10% off your purchase –

🎧 Soundsory Headphones for SPD – Recommended by occupational therapists and professionals globally, Soundsory is a multi-sensory, music, and movement program for 30 minutes a day for 40 days. The Soundsory headphones, equipped with a dynamic filter and bone conduction technology, helps improve motor skills and cognitive development in children and adults.

Soundsory works on the fine, gross, and visual-motor skills in children leading to enhancements in handwriting and drawing, balance and posture, hand-eye coordination, and sports skills. Soundsory is designed to be safe and effective and is helping children and adults on the autism spectrum, with auditory and sensory processing disorders, and other developmental delays.

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Autism sensory issues can happen for a few reasons, the most common being that there is an overload of sensory input to an autistic persons brain.

This happens because the autistic brain is wired differently to that of a typical person and the autistic individual will have a heightened perception of most if not all senses.

This can create a very triggering experience for a person on the autism spectrum and cause them to have a sensory overload and eventual burnout of meltdown due to this.

There are versions steps we can take to avoid these see my earlier video on hacks for sensory processing.

I’d love to know your thoughts on everything, please pop it in a comment down below if you have any. Follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content.

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4 Sensory Processing Disorder HACKS (YOU NEED!)


4 Sensory Processing Disorder HACKS (YOU NEED!)

Here are 4 Sensor Processing Disorder Hacks YOU NEED To Know! 🎉 To celebrate Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) Month, Soundsory is giving a discount of 20% off on their website. Click on the link and use code THEASPIE10 to get an EXTRA 10% off your purchase –

🎧 Soundsory Headphones for SPD – Recommended by occupational therapists and professionals globally, Soundsory is a multi-sensory, music, and movement program for 30 minutes a day for 40 days. The Soundsory headphones, equipped with a dynamic filter and bone conduction technology, helps improve motor skills and cognitive development in children and adults.

Soundsory works on the fine, gross, and visual-motor skills in children leading to enhancements in handwriting and drawing, balance and posture, hand-eye coordination, and sports skills. Soundsory is designed to be safe and effective and is helping children and adults on the autism spectrum, with auditory and sensory processing disorders, and other developmental delays.

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1 Proprioception

Using small muscle work out of tension can create a more aware sense of awareness that will create a less impactful sensory processing environment for you. Do this by doing simple proprioception exercises like, wall press ups, moving light objects like a dining chair or stack of books.

2 Soundsory

Soundsory is a headphone based skill development therapy it works on the fine, gross, and visual-motor skills in children leading to enhancements in handwriting and drawing, balance and posture, hand-eye coordination, and sports skills.

3 Sensory Room / Corner

Having a dedicated space in your home or room where you can create a sensory corner with lights and comfy pillows etc, will help you escape the busy over sensory world and help you stay calm. Tip Tip: Try work sensory time out into your daily routine.

4 Headphones / Sun Glasses

Lots of people use headphones and or sunglasses to help filter out some of the main causes of sensory overload in autistic individuals. This can be done by simply just warning headphones to block some of the noise out and use sunglasses to filter bright lights.

I’d love to know your thoughts on everything, please pop it in a comment down below if you have any and if you have any hacks you use that I have not mentioned. Follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content.

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Autism Motivation: This Will Keep YOU Productive! (3 HACKS)


Autism motivation can be a struggle for autistic people, here are 3 hacks to keep YOU productive!

It is sometimes the most difficult task in the world to stay motivated and stay on task when you are on the spectrum and especially if you have ADHD also.

I have laid out some simple but impactful productivity hacks for autism to keep you motivated and productive!

1.Set A Timer:

Lack of motivation to do some thing productive comes from the ability to do something more fun. If you have tasks you need to do, try set a timer for the tasks so you know that you can do fun things after the timers is up!


Create lists of all the things you need to do and tasks to complete, and have them visible on your desk, wall or even the background of you phone or tablet to prompt you to stay productive. A plan keeps you on track!

3.Use Apps:

These are some of the best apps to keep you productive as heck:

– Tiimo – Helps keeps you on task, and remembering to do tasks with a timer. Also has smart watch integration.

– Microsoft To Do – Keeps everything you need to do in an organised cloud synced to do list and is perfect for people on the spectrum.

– Notes – The best on phone organisers for tasks and ideas and planning, with awesome tools and featured baked right into the app.

I hope these hacks bring you the much needed productivity motivation that they do for me!

If you have anything to add please leave it in a comment down below. Please follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content.


#tedxmelb #autism #autistic

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9 Aspergers Famous People (YOU Didn’t Know)


9 Aspergers Famous People (YOU Didn’t Know)

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Teaching Autism (The Future Of SEN Education)


Interviewing an SEN specialist teacher about teaching autism and the future of the education system for SEN students.



tiktok: @sophiesigns



#autism   #turnautismaround

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5 HACKS For AUTISM And School REFUSAL (School Phobia)


This is how to help children with autism and school phobias.



School can be a very difficult challenging and confusing place for people on the autism spectrum, This is why I have created this list of things that can definitely help with anyone facing these challenges.

Understand what triggers

– Create a list of scary vs non-scary tasks or places in the school

– Colour subjects on a chart: green = good, red = bad and amber = ok

– Create a worry book write down all issues in the book, also try personalise it with their topic of interest.

Crate strategies for home use to calm anxiety and relax

– This like going for A walk

– Building Lego

– Or scheduled quiet time in their room where they are safe

Communicate with the school directly

– Contact the SENco at the school and make the aware of the issues

– Find out what has been done so far to accommodate the needs of the child

– Consult with the direct line of staff who deal with your child day to day and discuss what strategies they are using

– Simply ask your child what support they feel they need


– You could look at having quiet time during the school day in a quiet room

– Using ear defenders outside in the play ground

– A later start and early finish time to avoid busy school traffic

– Using reward systems to help meet targets (check out my link for charts)

– Older students may like to use apps to help with anxiety

Home school

This may be a choice for some people depending on your level of comfort.

Always remember if you are going from home school to mainstream school, include a time of a reintegration period. Prep well.

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Celebrities With Autism: Why Alex Reid Was Different (ALEX REID AUTISM)


Alex Reid Autism diagnosis was a shock but a good shock to him and this is why.

Alex Reid is a martial arts athlete and MMA fighter, and he also is famously known for marrying and then divorcing British model Katie Price.

Alex said that he was friendly with parents of kids who were on the autism spectrum and they asked if he was also autistic.

Following that he said that people commented on his interview style that sometimes here was confident and others he was just a mess.

Then he did an autism assessment and was found to be on the autism spectrum.

This is fascinating as his life and career are very interesting and give a good insight into how Autistc people can achieve awesome things.

Join in the conversation and drop me a comment.

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Autism Learning : The Robot To Change Your Life (MUST SEE)


This is the robot that can change autism learning forever!

MOVI – Kebbi Robot:

White Paper:

Okay so I’m a huge lover of technology and robotics and when this meets education and learning for people on the autism spectrum I’m all in.

You know I started off young using things like the Furby and Tamagotchi’s then progress to using my Alexa unit on my Siri on my iPhone and iPad.

These tools AI and robots are all good but at the end of the day how good can it get for teaching kids on the autism spectrum.

This is where MOVIA Robotics comes in! They have developed this awesome robot that will interact for a personal program that is bespoke and created from consulting with parents of autistic children who will be using this unit.

You see most technology companies will make a evergreen robot or an evergreen piece of software that is not tailored for your specific child, with this robot everything is tailor-made for your child.

This is fascinating bit of tech and I am certain it is going to help change the way autistic children learn and develop.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments bellow, and also follow @TheAspieWorld for more awesome autism content.

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Girls With Autism And Social Anxiety


Talking girls with autism and all the things in life that social anxiety can impact, work, life, and love.

The Spectrum Girl: @thespectrumgirl

I sat down with the awesome spectrum girl to talk about autism and females and how the impact of social anxiety can interfere with life.

A good honest talk with lots of interesting insight that will be so valuable for young women on the spectrum.

Please enjoy this interview and comment if you have anything to add. Also follow @TheAspieWorld for more awesome autism content.

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Celebrities With Autism: Why Alex Reid Was Different (ALEX REID AUTISM)


Alex Reid Autism diagnosis was a shock but a good shock to him and this is why.

Alex Reid is a martial arts athlete and MMA fighter, and he also is famously known for marrying and then divorcing British model Katie Price.

Alex said that he was friendly with parents of kids who were on the autism spectrum and they asked if he was also autistic.

Following that he said that people commented on his interview style that sometimes here was confident and others he was just a mess.

Then he did an autism assessment and was found to be on the autism spectrum.

This is fascinating as his life and career are very interesting and give a good insight into how Autistc people can achieve awesome things.

Join in the conversation and drop me a comment.

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