Autism Learning : The Robot To Change Your Life (MUST SEE)


This is the robot that can change autism learning forever!

MOVI – Kebbi Robot:

White Paper:

Okay so I’m a huge lover of technology and robotics and when this meets education and learning for people on the autism spectrum I’m all in.

You know I started off young using things like the Furby and Tamagotchi’s then progress to using my Alexa unit on my Siri on my iPhone and iPad.

These tools AI and robots are all good but at the end of the day how good can it get for teaching kids on the autism spectrum.

This is where MOVIA Robotics comes in! They have developed this awesome robot that will interact for a personal program that is bespoke and created from consulting with parents of autistic children who will be using this unit.

You see most technology companies will make a evergreen robot or an evergreen piece of software that is not tailored for your specific child, with this robot everything is tailor-made for your child.

This is fascinating bit of tech and I am certain it is going to help change the way autistic children learn and develop.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments bellow, and also follow @TheAspieWorld for more awesome autism content.

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